Generals success

Gamer's Internet Tunnel, formerly Gamer's IPX Tunnel

Generals success

Postby FlipFlopHHJ » Fri May 28, 2004 5:29 am

I've gotten C&C Generals working via LAN Lobby using the following settings.

The hosting pc has udp connections to all other players, players only have udp connection to the hosting pc.

TCP/UDP ports:

Enabled advanced settings:
Ethernet II
rest are unchecked.


This setup requires everyone to be on the same subnet and have different ip addresses. Now everyone can see themselves as well as the Host in the LAN Lobby and everyone can join the game when the Host creates it.

The game may stand still at the loading screen for a while but it will work fine after some time.



Seems to be some packet duplication going on, when chatting ingame messages will often display twice. This was first set up with udp tunnels between all players and that resulted in massive duplication of packets.

Sometimes theres a lot of ARP traffic.


Improvements ?
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Joined: Fri May 28, 2004 5:18 am

Postby CodeFalcoN » Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:34 pm

Might work in some situations, I suppose. Me and my comrade are both seperated by NAT firewalls, so forwarding ARP traffic spells disaster for us ^^ (our machines get a different MAC address handed to it for on an ARP request, which is the IP for both our default gateways...heh).

We have "Alter Source IP" set up on both sides, and we can load Generals, we can talk in the lobby, but we cannot join games (get a Connection Timed Out) error after ~15 seconds everytime. Trying to figure out what we're missing here...
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Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:31 pm

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