Somebody PLEASE help

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Somebody PLEASE help

Postby yanceyman » Fri May 28, 2010 10:17 pm

I purchesed Morpheus photo animation suite, down loaded it onto my computer, but everytime I try to use it I get the message that I need to be online to activate it. I have put Morpheus on my exception list, I have shut off my firewall, I have shut off my anti-virus, I have pulled out my hair, jumped up and down, screamed, cursed and cried. Nothing works!!! I about ready to write off my $50 bucks and toss this program. Why on earth would you install such an activation glitch into the cd when so many people are having problems with it. :cry:
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Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 10:06 pm

Postby Ark » Fri May 28, 2010 11:43 pm

There are no problems with the activation process. If you receive such an error, then there is no other possibility than something on your computer or network is blocking access. If you require a proxy login to access the internet, or if you have any firewall or internet security program that is blocking access, you will need to disable it in order to activate the software.
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