For topics specific to the Morpheus for OS X versions.


Postby postjosh » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:17 pm

hi. i'm having trouble getting the render quality i need out of my morphs. even when i render with uncompressed quicktime the morph is much lower quality that the original stills. it looks like everything is posterized or compressed. this even true of the initial and end frames. i've tried very high quality stills up to 1440 x 1080. is there a setting i'm missing? thanks.
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Postby Ark » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:40 pm

If you upped the render speed in the timeline options, put it back to 1, that is a quality/speed tradeoff for rendering large projects quickly as a draft.

Make sure your source images are high quality, at least the number of pixels you want your output morph to be.

Set your timeline size in the timeline options window to be the size you want in pixels, the default will be 320x240 or smaller.
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render problems and QT problems

Postby NATER » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:23 pm

I'm having the same issues as others have had. The quality is unusable. Even if I set the time line options correctly. I still get low res output.

Plus, The QT's coming out of Morpheus aren't recognized by Final Cut Pro. I have to open up the rendered Morpheus file in Quicktime then re save it for it to be seen by FCP?

Need some help....
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impossible quick times

Postby eva_mov » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:49 pm

Hi, i am having the same, or worst problems. Just bought the Morpheus Pro for Mac, everything looks wonderful until i try to render it as QT. In any settings (animation, uncompressed, even high q. H264... ), and in any amount of pixels the result is terribly compressed!
(I do have set the render to 1)
And most of the times the program quits unexpectedly!
The only decent result was from a JPEG sequence, but then there are hundred of pictures i have to put together.
AVI also works half of the times (when it doesn't crash), but nothing in QT!
Please help.
My Mac is a Macbook Pro, OS 10.5.6
Thank you
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very pixely when i render the file

Postby bradrnevin » Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:50 pm

it seems this is a common issue? when i click "file > render timeline" the end result is extremely pixely and no good. i saw one post on this site saying that the answer was reinstalling. i did that, and it worked correctly. one time. now i am trying it again and getting the unacceptable pixely, poor quality result. what the heck is going on?
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Postby Ark » Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:11 pm

The problem is most likely that you set the render speed option to a value higher than one without knowing that that option is for very long morphs and is only for speed rendering with a quality (pixelation) tradeoff.
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render quality

Postby bradrnevin » Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:23 pm

wow. that was such a quick reply. thank you.

i reread what you said, and it seems to make some sense, but i dont think i quite get it. i DID increase the video length a lot, but only because i wanted the end morph to be slower. as it was, it seemed to whiz by. i wanted it to be about 6 seconds long instead of 1 or 2 seconds, so i did increase the video length. when i did that, the frames per second (i think) box on the right also increased. when i simply entered a larger length for the video, i do not think that worked either. what am i missing? (i tried this a few more times later today, and it did seem to be working)

also, is there a way to bend the lines once i connect them? i used to use a different morphing program (dont remember the name) that let me make nice circles instead of diamonds when i am morphing one circle to another.
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Postby Ark » Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:27 pm

Render speed is not tied to FPS in any way. You can set this values in the Timeline Options screen to anything you want. You probably want Render speed set to 1 though.
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