GIT and warcraft3

Gamer's Internet Tunnel, formerly Gamer's IPX Tunnel

GIT and warcraft3

Postby mqstout » Sat Nov 01, 2003 10:32 am

I have been trying to set up GIT between myself and a friend so that we can play War3 together without the slowness of I've set it up with myself and another friend before (and successfully had it work), so I just changed the IP I was listening for to his, and I had him set it up and he connected to me without a problem.

But, when we go into War3, we don't see games created by each other. Suggestions?

He is behind a NAT, with a single NIC in his computer. My computer has 2 NICs (one to the DSL, one to the LAN, with GIT set to bind to the LAN card as War3 does, which is how the config worked before for me). We both chose the War3 port to forward under connection, and in his advanced config, we tried it both with defaults as well as having him check "change ip for nat" to having his LAN IP in the internal and my Internet IP in the External.
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Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2003 10:25 am

Postby poomba1 » Wed Nov 12, 2003 11:52 pm

I believe the altering of NAT is for the internal to be his LAN IP and then the external to be his public IP, this allows for firewall rules to invoke. I have Starcraft to the point that I can at least see the games using ports 116-118, 4000 and 6111-6119
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:19 pm

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