HELP! Setting up GIT over WINDOWS 2000 RRAS

Gamer's Internet Tunnel, formerly Gamer's IPX Tunnel

HELP! Setting up GIT over WINDOWS 2000 RRAS

Postby willow1480 » Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:51 pm

Hi all,

I have a Windows 2000 RRAS Server so that my friends can connect to my network over the internet with Windows XP Builtin VPN Clients. We can see eachother for file sharing and their VPN addresses are pingable.

We are trying to play Battlefield 1942, but we cannot see eachother's games when we set them up.

I downloaded GIT 0.98. Before a continue, here is the setup:

My Network:

LAN 1:

Friends Network
LAN 2:

When my friend connects, they get an automatic address of address. GIT is started on both ends and Connection status shows the packets being forwarded to port 213 on both ends once the VPN is up. But we are still not seeing eachother's game servers. Does my friend's lan need to be the same 192.168.0.x network as mine (of course with different numbers in the last octet to avoid conflicts).

Please help! I know someone is able to do this. I just keep hitting a brickwall.

Thanks in advance.

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