Command And Conquer Generals

Gamer's Internet Tunnel, formerly Gamer's IPX Tunnel

Command And Conquer Generals

Postby tomich » Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:43 pm

Hi, im really realieved to found GIT.. i think this is the program i was searching for the last 5 months!!!!

I just installed it, but still cant get it to work, so here is my petition :lol:

Me and my friends want to play c&c.. all we can do is play via direct connect, or online (in ea servers). We are from argentina, so we have a huge ping. Searching the internet, i found a vpn wich could be used to play generals. The address was but now is offline. We wanted to create a new one, but we have this broadcast UDP problem. I dont have a unix OS, so i cant use the scripts they use in for our own VPN.

The solution i think is GIT!. But there are certain things i dont have cuit clear. By using GIT, we dont need a VPN?? i mean.. we all have different internet provieders, some of us, use cable modem, and other ADSL, so our ips differ from 24.232.*.* to 200.*.*.* .
I read ALL of the other threads, but couldnt yet get it. It would be GREAT!! if somebody here can make a tutorial or something likewise.. to tell the rest of the world (specially us), how to configure a VN (virtual netowkr) with GIT. I think this tutorial could be use for warcraft, starcraft, or any other similar game. The ports to play Generals are the following


TCP ports: (playing the game)
80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920

UDP ports: (lobby and chat)
4321, 27900

We use different internet technologies such as cable modem, or adsl, and different OS.. like win2k3, win2k, win9x , and WinXp.
I think it is important to notice that we have different ip clases (A and B).
Perhaps we should do something like a mixture between VPN and GIT , so we all get the same IP subnet.

I cant think of anything else i can help you with, but if you have any doubts, and you think you can help in the making of the GIT tutorial, plz, ask anything you want.
Drawings and screenshots are always gratefull, since we all speak spanish, and our english is not top of the line, ass you may allready noticed.

Thanks, a lot..

PS: i also didnt get the difference between using TCP listening and connect methods, or using UDP. I guess udp is used on lan, and tcp over the internet (because of the routers).
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:12 pm

Postby tomich » Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:49 pm

mmm... i guess nobody cant help me over here. Perhaps those who managed to play generals through git can give us a hand..
PLZZZZZ!!! :cry:
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Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:12 pm

Postby Sycho_lamer » Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:43 pm

I'll try and explain this best I can. If you're using GIT u do not need to set up a seperate VPN. That would be overkill. GIT creates a virtual network without the encryption and overhead.

I dont think IP classes or subnets make a difference in the connectablity of clients...but i wouldnt know for sure.

I'm on a cable modem behind a Dlink DI604 router and me and a few friends use GIT to play Joint operations coop levels. The important thing for getting the game to work is setting up the router(if u have one). The person making the server sets up GIT by selecting TCP LISTEN box on configure. The people joining add the hosts WAN IP and connect using the "TCP - connect" mode.

You may want to avoid having the host beind the router if at all possible. If you dont have a choice first forward the port 213 TCP to the internal LAN IP. That will insure clients can connect to the GIT host. IN GIT...make sure you have "Alter source IP(for NAT)" selected and set up correctly if you are behind a router.

As for forward ports for C&C, I don't own or play the game so I cant be much help there. But for joint ops i used "special application" > set the trigger port to 32768 UDP > and the public ports to 32768-65535 UDP. And i have had successwith conencting and hosting without DMZ.
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Postby bx16v » Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:32 am


I played my first game of generals across the net today. We could never get direct connect to work properly, despite alot of effort. Mainly as the other player was unable to configure his machine, as he's quite new! We setup a windows software VPN between the two machine, then used git to forward the broadcast packets, between the two IP's as you couldnt see the lobby otherwise.

It works :D 3.5 Hours of play later, every ones happy!

Thank you Morpheus!
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Joined: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:19 am

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