Merge a Start End Morph

Questions or topics about Morpheus Photo Morpher, Warper, Mixer, or Animation Suite v3.00

Merge a Start End Morph

Postby xixo » Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:23 pm


By mistake I didn't made an add morph to the timeline, on the beggining of the project, but the following morphs I did it.
So now, morphing from photo 2 to 3 it haves a Start and End, insted of a transition as the other photos.

On Morph1, on the beginig it haves a Start as it should, on the middle of Morph1 to Morph2 it haves a transition, but the It haves an End on the end of Morph2 and a Start on the begining of Morph3 instead of a transition.

This, seeing on the full timeline.

Every Morphs have 25 frames, usually frame 25 its 50/50 between the 2 pictures, making also part of frame 1 of the next picture. But my problem is that I have a picture on frame 25 on Morph 2 and the same picture on frame 1 of Morph 3.

Is there any way, I could merge this two pictures?

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Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:09 pm

Re: Merge a Start End Morph

Postby Ark » Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:30 pm

Right-click on the Morph # button in the timeline window and select Link Morph. A linked morph will not have a start picture of it's own, it will use the previous morph's end picture as a transition picture instead. Morph 1 cannot be linked because it is the first morph in the timeline window, so make sure you are selecting to link the morph on the "right" side of the break.
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